Ben's Ford Christian School
"I am the vine, ye are the branches...Without Me, ye can do nothing." John 15:5

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Our students find a fun and interesting mix of educational and social activities.  Sports, music, clubs, retreats, competitions, and various activities serve as some of the avenues to meet friends, work in groups or teams, and grow socially.  You will hear laughter and fun as they seek, as a team, to work toward their common goal.  Sometimes that goal is to win a ball game, sometimes to entertain.  Other times that goal is to encourage others or to serve.  But our students find friends, form bonds, and work together, even through the tough times.  Working together - a great lesson learned and a critical part of education.

And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:15

There is no greater challenge today than to equip young people to face the world in which we live. Striving to impart Biblical truth in a way that touches the hearts of our young people, while giving the best possible academic preparation, we desire that they find success in their futures and in their lives. If you share these goals and objectives for your child, we invite you to come and visit with us!
Our Faculty
Using the gifts, talents, and knowledge that God has given them, our teachers lead our students into learning - learning that integrates Biblical truth, honor for God, and practical application of knowledge that is learned. We seek to educate the whole child, as we equip each of them for their individual paths in life.
Mrs. Paula Thomas 
Algebra I
Algebra II
Advanced Math
Math Essentials
Sponsor, 9-12 Honor Society
Bro. Tommy Pittman
Baseball Coach
School Chaplain
Bro. Mark McGehee
General Manager
Girls' Basketball Coach

Bro. Harold Gaddy
High School Bible
U.S. History
Mrs. Diane Buff
Secondary Aide
Mrs. Debbie Fletcher
Jr High Math
Algebra I

Mrs. Gretchen Mathews
English I
World Geography
Fine Arts 
ACT Prep

Mrs. Jana Pounds
JH English
7th Grade Girls Bible
National BETA Sponsor

Mrs. Marsha Thibodeaux
English II
English III
English IV
Spanish I & II
College and Career Counselor
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
​Sponsor, National Honor Society
Mrs. Cindy Varnado
JH English
LA History

Mrs.  Sam Descant
JH Science
Girls PE
Bro. Derek Dantin
Athletic Director
Mrs. Amber Burge
Physical Science
JH Science
Mrs. Maureen Gaddy
             JH Science
Mrs. Sharon McGehee
Technical English