Ben's Ford Christian School
"I am the vine, ye are the branches...Without Me, ye can do nothing." John 15:5

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Three year olds, under the direction of Mrs. Renee, are an energetic group that need LOTS of hands-on experiences! Mrs. Renee provides our littlest Eagles with developmentally appropriate activities that encourage them to think and reason. The use of themes helps them understand the world around them, and many fun days are planned to help them remember what they are learning.

  Children must be 3 years old by September 30th for admission.

Mrs. Stacey Graham
PreK Assistant


Our four-year olds, under the direction of Mrs. Vicki, are challenged academically to learn many new things.  Phonics, numbers, colors, shapes, writing, and reading, along with social studies and science, help to prepare these precious children for a challenging kindergarten program.
        Bible stories,verse memorization, singing, center time, active play time, lots of art work, and of course, lunch and snack times help make each day enjoyable for the students.

Children must by 4 by September 30th for admission.
Mrs. Glinda "Gi" Riley
Preschool - 1st Grade  Aftercare Teacher
Mrs. Nikki Folse
PreK and Elementary Assistant

Ms. Shannon Rosa
Elementary- Secondary
Aftercare Teacher