Admission Procedures:
1. Contact school to obtain a student application or download from website.
2. Check fee sheet below.
3. Set up an interview with principal.
* NOTE: Parent must bring their child and these documents to the interview:
K3 and up - Copy of birth certificate, social security card, immunization records
K5 and up - Must also bring report card or an academic record
6th grade and up - Must also bring a letter of recommendation from pastor, former teacher,
guidance counselor, or coach, etc.
4. Completes interview
5. Gives parent an admissions packet and a handbook
6. Takes admission test (1st grade and up)
7. Passes drug screening test from approved drug screening facility (at parent's expense)
(7th grade and up)
Items on file:
8. Copy of birth certificate, social security card, immunization record
9. Signed forms (or online) from admissions packet
Official Registration:
10. Parent pays registration fee
11. Records requested from former school.
**NOTES: In a case where there is limited seating, a parent may be given one week to obtain documents before the seat is offered to the next prospective student.
In a case where students have academic or behavioral difficulties, the case must be reviewed by the Admissions Committee prior to acceptance.